
little farmer highlights. new practice time. show changes.

well, we played at the little farmer. only one person from the mailing list showed up, which was a blow to our pride and faith in humanity. it was very windy. i scratched my car trying to cram the piano into it. emily played the bells on "if it be your will". our new songs, i thought, sounded good. we'll be playing "o lord have patience" as a rock song on the 29th. we'll also be playing "leaving wisconsin" on november 27th. which leads to. . .

. . .our show on the 5th of november has been rescheduled. we were double-booked, it seems. so now we're playing at mother fool's on the 27th of november. come on over after eating tofurkey!

and then we're practicing on sunday nights for the next few weeks so come up to the coffin factory to see rock music in the making.

october 29th lineup:
steev, electric guitar, vocals
scott, bass
emily, cello
jon, drums
jesse, electric guitar
jessica, piano
