

we're a week into recording our new ep. scott, namiah and i put down the initial rhythm tracks last sunday, then emily put down cello on tuesday night. i went back this weekend to add acoustic guitar, banjo, and one electric guitar line. what do we have left? jesse has been put on notice to perform electric guitar. piano needs to be done and also vocals. we're still a way from finishing, but it's turning out great. we're recording with jeremiah nelson--sometimes known as patchwork--in his home-made studio amidst the detritus of the algoma building in oshkosh. the original 6 songs have been cut down to 5. the last song "the long defeat" will most likely go on our next EP "ghost stories" which we will hopefully record later this year. we recorded a demo of it, but the song is still too new to put on the ep.

a couple of shows in august:

TIC with patchwork on the 5th at the rock island cafe in neenah


TIC with Scourge of the Sea on the 15th at indie coffee in madison

come out to cheer us on and listen to the new tunes,
