Explanations, explanations
Hello friends, here we are again in the center of a lusty July, wishing for that elusive swimming pool, those creamy pudding pops, the valuable lessons learned from the "teaching time" at the end of G.I. Joe. You know what I mean--nostalgia for the simple midsummer days of youth, before indie rock, before you knew of deconstructionism, when those cornfields were actually cornfields and not just subdivisions named after cornfields. But I've always been accused of taking things too seriously and yesterday I was exhorted to listen to Dr. Phil and try to hang on to my childhood. Look, I don't think the terrorists are doing that, so why should I? You know?
Anyway, we're booking a few more shows; we've got stuff on through October including a date at the infamous Kewaskum Kettle Kountry Kolors (KKKK) and a date in Shawano at Beans and Books. So we're stretching our boundaries and loving everybody with great gusto and YOU SHOULD SEE PEOPLE STARE AT JESSE'S GUITAR PEDAL ARRAY! There were literally two people bowing to him at our last show, like the Ewoks to C3PO!
Keep looking around the net for us and keep coming to see us play. Thanks for all of the support. I'll leave you with this:
WARNING: The Harry Potter books
*Blur moral boundaries
*Desensitize children to the occult
*Portray witchcraft as harmless entertainment